Hello, everyone! As you all know, Season 2 has ended and it is likely that it will be a couple months before the show starts again. So, because of this, the wiki is kind of stuck. The only edits now are rewatching the episodes for trivia, plot additions to episodes/shorts, and character/cast edits (which we need a lot of). I am counting on everyone, especially TheDragonFire, who has shown great skills throughout the past two months.
I am writing this to ask you guys about the parodies on YouTube. Some of them say: Clash-A-Rama! presents, and some are in the Clash-A-Rama! Shorts YT folder. However, some are live action and some are real gameplay in Clash Royale or Clash of Clans, not animated like the series is (forgetting "A Clashiversary Tale", which was part animation, part puppets, claymation, etc.).
So, I ask... should I add pages for these? Should I just make ONE page adressing all of them? Or, because it is not animation, should I leave it out completely?
It's up to you.