The Fight is a song sung in "Clash-A-Lot The Musical".
Red King:
This fight couldn't go any finer,
Let's send in a Miner!
If we wreck their constitution,
It just might be an
You're doing great King Daddy!
Red King:
It's all a game of strategy,
Choosing the troops, that's what is key.
What in Clash's name?!
The tides, they are a-turning,
Our opponent is learning.
There's someone else they obey,
Besides the blue king in his stay.
Red King:
Enemy log! Who is that?
They're taking orders from a Bandit?!
Who is this genius plotter?
Wait, I know that face.
My daughter!
This fight is going so wrong for this king,
Can a father rightfully attack his offspring?
I know the king, his thoughts, his plans, his everything,
He's expecting us there, so we attack him by air!
(battle rages)
Red King:
How can this be? I can not loose!
But my kingdom for a daughter, a father could not possibly choose!
Okay I'm choosing. Fights on!
Lumberjacks and Goblin Barrels!
Target practice for my arrows.
Come on, dad, you call this a fight?!
Red King:
Inferno Dragons and Lava Hounds.
I'm sure that's not as bad as it sounds.
Red King:
And now, my dear, it's time, I fear,
For you, for blue, to meet my Musketeers!
There's no more defending, no more pretending,
It's time for our ending,
I flailed and I failed,
And now our ship has sailed.