Clash-A-Rama! Wiki

Smokey is a Dragon that was first introduced in "Bringing Up Baby Dragon".


Prior to the events of "Bringing Up Baby Dragon", Smokey's previous parents, owners and/or guardians are unknown, although it is likely she was a Clash of Clans troop as she is not affiliated with any Clash Royale team.

During "Bringing Up Baby Dragon", Smokey was adopted by two Blue Princesses under reluctant permission by their father, the Blue King. During this time, damage was caused to the Blue King's property (his bowl, sweater, crown, shoes, banner and throne were destroyed), battlefields were littered with droppings, and a Knight was terrorised, most likely due to the Blue Princesses' neglect for Smokey.

However, when the princesses forget to take care of her, the King steps up and takes her to Tame The Fire Dragon Obedience School. She graduates as an adult dragon, but seems strange after the princesses come to see her. It turns out, she was pregnant, and, sitting down, she gave birth to many kids, which the princesses begged to keep.
