This is the list of renamed episodes. Keep in mind that all episode titles posted on the Clash of Clans/Clash Royale YouTube channel are real... others are renamed:
Season 1[]
Main Changes[]
- "University of Goblin": Used to be called "Goblin University"
- "Hog Rider Rides Again": Also called "The Hog Rider Rides Again" on YouTube
- "Ballad of the Barbarian": Also called "The Ballad of the Barbarian" on YouTube
Minor Changes[]
- "The Barbarians Red Balloon": There is a ' after "Barbarians" in another version ("The Barbarians' Red Balloon")
- "A Knight To Remember": Unlike the Clash of Clans interpretation, the "T" in "To" is lowercase, not uppercase.
- "Bowlers Anonymous!": There is a ' in "Bowlers" and no ! mark in another version ("Bowler's Anonymous")
- "Wiz Con!": There is no ! mark in another version
Season 2[]
Main Changes[]
- "Clash-A-Lot The Musical": Also called "Clash-A-Rama The Musical" in the updated version and in other places on YouTube
Minor Changes[]
- "Clash-A-Lot The Musical": Some versions place a : between "Lot" and "The"
- "Pork-tergeist": The first "t" in the title is uppercase on IMDb