Clash-A-Rama! Wiki

"I'll be teaching you, but do you know what? I may end up learning more than you do. Boom! Win win." Eartha, Crug

"University of Goblin" is the second episode in the first season, making it the second in the series. It aired on December 9, 2016.


All characters are listed by order of appearance in the episode.

Named / defined characters[]

Background characters[]

  • Giants
    • Royal Giants
  • Goblins
    • Spear Goblins
  • Skeletons
    • Wall Breakers
    • Bombers
  • Archers
  • Wizards
  • Builders
  • Minions
  • Barbarians
  • Villagers
  • P.E.K.K.A.s
  • Hog Riders
  • Hogs
    • Giant hog
    • Long hog
    • Motorcycle hog
    • Monster truck hog
    • Fancy hog
    • Hog tank
  • Baby Dragons
  • Mini P.E.K.K.A.s
  • Valkyries
  • Dragons

Plot Summary[]

Title gag[]

The "Clash-A-Rama" title is seen floating in the sky. A Giant kicks a Goblin into the title. The Goblin, stuck in the second "A" of "Rama!" sneakily steals the dot from the exclamation point and smirks.


The episode starts off with two Bombers at an Arena, watching Goblins flying at them. The Bombers assume that a village is testing their Spring Traps. In reality, a Giant is kicking the Goblins far away because they took his lunch money. The Giant kicks a Goblin into the title, leading to the title gag.

Downtime in the Village[]

Two Archers are seen boredly sitting on a Tower. Observing how "too much downtime makes the village soft," they decide to start doing a shooting contest. They begin performing increasingly impressive trick shots. A Wall Breaker soon joins the shooting contest and performs trick shots using his bomb. A trick shot blows up a coffin, causing a Skeleton's skull to be set on fire. Gradually, more troops begin joining the contest, but their trick shots also become more destructive. The troops end up inadvertently destroying their own village, with the original Archer remarking that "the drills paid off."

Goblin University[]

At the Town Hall, Eartha, a Villager, is teaching an English class for Goblins. As the Goblins enter the classroom, a Builder tells Eartha that teaching Goblins to speak is useless, as Goblins only enjoy stealing and nothing else. The Builder then confiscates some flags from a Goblin, but accidentally rips off the Goblin's pants, leaving his private parts exposed (though pixelated). Eartha begins the class by telling the Goblins that she may learn more than them. Eartha asks a Goblin to say "hello," but he says gibberish and the rest of the Goblins laugh at him. Eartha then asks him to say "gold," but the greedy Goblins assume there is gold hidden somewhere in the classroom. The Goblins scour the classroom in a frenzy, and Eartha decides to stop the class.

Later, Eartha and her Goblin students are at the Town Hall Grill, where the Goblins are learning to place orders. Crug orders sawdust and a glass of milk, much to Eartha's surprise. The Goblins eventually graduate from Eartha's class, and all of them have found jobs throughout the village. Crug decides to become an English teacher himself and teach other Goblins. After Eartha notices Crug opening his own English school, she realizes that her work is done. She then begins stealing gold from across the village, just like a Goblin.

A Visit to Hogmax[]

A Hog Rider prepares some slop for his old hog, Rocket. The hog slowly makes his way to the slop tray, then bathes in the slop. The Hog Rider realizes that he might need a new hog, so he takes his hog to Hogmax to have him cleaned up. In the meantime, the Hog Rider tries out some new hogs, but none of them suits him well. The Hog Rider decides to just take home a regular hog, but he ends up choosing Rocket again (who has been cleaned up at Hogmax). Upon realizing the Hog Rider has brought home Rocket again, the two then happily sit in the hog slop. Later, the Hog Rider and his hog watch a TV Royale Live broadcast together at home.

TV Royale Tensions[]


How did Maren know Eldin had a tattoo there in the first place?!

At the Royal Arena, a TV Royale Live broadcast begins, hosted by Eldin, a Wizard, and Maren, a Villager. The broadcast reports the battle between two Clash Royale players, CruSSSher 145 (Blue) and NoMercy17 (Red). As the battle progresses, Eldin favors the Blue team, while Maren favors the Red team. An on-site reporter, Ana, showcases the unsafe conditions in the arena before she gets hit by a Freeze spell. A "Kiss Cam" is also shown, with two Wall Breakers kissing each other and causing their teeth to get tangled.

As tensions between Eldin and Maren reach a peak, they expose each other's biases on camera. Eldin shows Maren's dressing room, which is covered in Red team fan gear. Maren then rips off Eldin's shirt, revealing his Blue team tattoo. Eldin then quits, but he learns he is being replaced by a Minion. Maren waves Eldin goodbye as the TV Royale Live broadcast ends.



  • The original name for this episode was "Goblin University".
  • The "Learn Finnish" sign refers to how Supercell, the company that created Clash of Clans and Clash Royale, is based in Helsinki, Finland.
  • A Goblin steals the flags of England, Canada, India, Belgium, Japan, Ukraine, and Switzerland.
    • The Goblin steals two Belgian and Ukrainian flags.
  • This episode marks the first appearance of the Town Hall Grill and Frank the bartender.
  • In Crug's English School, names of the Goblins in Eartha's school are seen on the gold rack when those Goblins do not need the school anymore.
  • Eartha mentions how Grud is working in a spell factory. The Spell Factory would eventually become a major location in "Donny and the Spell Factory" from Season 2.
  • This episode marks the first appearance of the Clash Royale arena.
  • The music used during the Clash Royale scene is the actual Clash Royale battle music.

Goofs / Errors[]

  • This episode aired before "Giant vs. Giant Problem" time wise, but it is still considered episode two.
  • In Clash Royale, Spear Goblins are deployed in a triangle formation. However, in this episode, they are deployed in a line.
  • In Clash Royale, playing the Barbarians card deploys 5 Barbarians. However, in this episode, only 4 Barbarians are deployed.


  • Hogmax is a reference to Carmax, an American used vehicle dealer.



Main article: "University of Goblin"/Gallery
ved Clash-A-Rama! episodes
Season One
"Giant vs. Giant Problem""University of Goblin""Hog Rider Rides Again""12 Days of Clashmas""Ballad of the Barbarian""A Knight To Remember""The Barbarians Red Balloon""Goblin's Eleven""Bowlers Anonymous!""Wiz Con!"
Season Two
"A Clashiversary Tale""'Twas The Night Before Clashmas""The Clash Cup!""How The Other Half Clashes""Miner Problem""Go Sparky Go!""The Clashmaker""The Fourth Musketeer""Rocket's Red and Blue Glare""Bringing Up Baby Dragon""Every Hog Has Its Day""Clash-A-Lot The Musical""Clone Alone""Donny and the Spell Factory""Pork-tergeist""Lost in Donation""I'll Be Home For Clashmas""Archer Departure"
Season Three