Clash-A-Rama! Wiki

"Let's stop worrying about what level we are on the outside and upgrade who we are on the inside." Ryan to Giants

"The Fourth Musketeer" is the eighth episode in the second season, making it the eighteenth episode in the series. It aired on September 7, 2018.


A young Giant is flung into enemy territory and must find a way home. A Hog Rider and a Golem swap bodies, and a Musketeer fan girl meets her heroes, but then quickly upstages them.


To be added!


Trivia []

  • In Meet The Writers!, this was revealed to be episode 206.
  • There was a line in Meet The Writers! that wasn't put in the finished episode, "This isn't a wristband, it's seaweed!".

Goofs / Errors[]

To be added!


  • The title is a spoof on the phrase "the three musketeers", except they decided titled it "The Fourth Musketeer."


To be added!


Main Article: "The Fourth Musketeer"/Gallery

ved Clash-A-Rama! episodes
Season One
"Giant vs. Giant Problem""University of Goblin""Hog Rider Rides Again""12 Days of Clashmas""Ballad of the Barbarian""A Knight To Remember""The Barbarians Red Balloon""Goblin's Eleven""Bowlers Anonymous!""Wiz Con!"
Season Two
"A Clashiversary Tale""'Twas The Night Before Clashmas""The Clash Cup!""How The Other Half Clashes""Miner Problem""Go Sparky Go!""The Clashmaker""The Fourth Musketeer""Rocket's Red and Blue Glare""Bringing Up Baby Dragon""Every Hog Has Its Day""Clash-A-Lot The Musical""Clone Alone""Donny and the Spell Factory""Pork-tergeist""Lost in Donation""I'll Be Home For Clashmas""Archer Departure"
Season Three