"What? She steals my spot and now she steals my interview time, too?!" ― Winston
"The Clashmaker" is the seventh episode in the second season, making it the seventeenth episode in the series. It aired on August 31, 2018.
No one will atack a village, so a matchmaking villager comes to help, an Archer and Builder are trapped outside of their village, and a king tries to build his new royale deck.
To be added!
Trivia []
- This was the first episode to get on trending videos for YouTube.
- This is the first speaking debut of the Grand Warden in Clash-A-Rama! history, even though he is a main hero in Clash of Clans.
Goofs / Errors[]
- In other episodes, Spear Goblins have bandanas, but, in this episode, they are seen without them as Brandy races by.
- If you listen closely, the narrator's voice for some words in the promo is different from the final version.
- Mud Barry's wife being a Villager might reference another builder, Huggy and his Villager wife.
- The ring Brandy uses around her weapon is used by real baseball players with their bats.
- No one will attack a village, just like in "University of Goblin".
Main Article: "The Clashmaker"/Gallery