Clash-A-Rama! Wiki

"This is a story that will be told by Barbarians for generations!" ― Rocky

"The Barbarians Red Balloon" is the seventh episode in the first season, and also the seventh in the series. It aired on January 13, 2017.


Two barbarians plot to steal the red balloon to go adventures and be remembered by their next generation barbarians. However, neither knows how to fly this thing.


A Skeleton learns an important lesson after he gets bullied: sometimes it’s good to have friends in high, barrel-carrying, bomb-wielding places, a friend like a giant skeleton. A Healer chains herself to a tree so that a Builder can’t tear it down. Through her kindness, she convinces the Builder to save the tree. Too bad the other Builder didn’t get the message. Two Barbarians steal a Balloon and go on a heroic journey. After landing in an unfriendly Arena, the Clash Royale King gives their Balloon to the Princesses as a birthday present. Unfortunately, the Princesses have a mishap with the Balloon, and the Barbarian King needs to rescue the Barbarians from an early demise. A Goblin, an Archer, and a Barbarian find a Loot Cart and conspire to keep it for themselves. They won’t get caught unless they buy anything flashy. But they deserve nice things! After guilt sets in, they decide to return the Loot Cart. In the end of the episode, the skeleton loses his head again and it falls near a builder with a hurt knee.


Trivia []

  • It was revealed that stealing a loot cart and using an air sweeper as a hair dryer is a crime.

Goofs / Errors[]

To be added!



To be added!


Main Article: "The Barbarians Red Balloon"/Gallery

v β€’ e β€’ d Clash-A-Rama! episodes
Season One
"Giant vs. Giant Problem" β€’ "University of Goblin" β€’ "Hog Rider Rides Again" β€’ "12 Days of Clashmas" β€’ "Ballad of the Barbarian" β€’ "A Knight To Remember" β€’ "The Barbarians Red Balloon" β€’ "Goblin's Eleven" β€’ "Bowlers Anonymous!" β€’ "Wiz Con!"
Season Two
"A Clashiversary Tale" β€’ "'Twas The Night Before Clashmas" β€’ "The Clash Cup!" β€’ "How The Other Half Clashes" β€’ "Miner Problem" β€’ "Go Sparky Go!" β€’ "The Clashmaker" β€’ "The Fourth Musketeer" β€’ "Rocket's Red and Blue Glare" β€’ "Bringing Up Baby Dragon" β€’ "Every Hog Has Its Day" β€’ "Clash-A-Lot The Musical" β€’ "Clone Alone" β€’ "Donny and the Spell Factory" β€’ "Pork-tergeist" β€’ "Lost in Donation" β€’ "I'll Be Home For Clashmas" β€’ "Archer Departure"
Season Three