Clash-A-Rama! Wiki

"A Clashmas miracle!" Mort, Archer

"I'll Be Home For Clashmas" is the twenty-first episode in the second season, making it the thirty-first episode in the series. It aired on December 21, 2018.


A Valkyrie loses her way during a Clashmas Eve attack, and must rely on the help of a chattering Miner to get home in time for Clashmas.


Side Note: Merry Clashmas, Everyone!


Trivia []

Goofs / Errors[]

  • There are two town halls seen as some troops walk out of the snowy village.
  • In the beginning, when the "Clashmas Choir" are saying the Barbarian King does not have to pay them, his thumb is seen on the opposite side of where it should be.
  • Mort does not appear on the bird's-eye view of his village before it is ground's-eye view and Kyra finds him on some rubble.
  • It is unknown why Mort wears a Golem Prom sash if he isn't a Golem.
    • He did say he danced with a Golem, but it is not elaborated whether this outside the prom or a result of him being admitted to it.
  • In the part Kyra and Mort drive a Balloon in which Mort accidentally burns the Balloon's support ropes, Kyra's tank cropped top suddenly becomes a suit that covers her belly.


  • The title is a reference to the movies and songs, I'll Be Home For Christmas.
  • Thanksclashing is a reference to Thanksgiving.
  • Violent Knight is a reference to the Christmas song, Silent Night.
  • The First Bombshell is a reference to the Christmas song, The First Noel.
  • Clashmas Epilogue is a reference to the Christmas song, Away in a Manger.
  • Clashnog is a reference to eggnog.
  • First Clash is a reference to First Class seating.


To be added!



Main Article: "I'll Be Home For Clashmas"/Gallery

ved Clash-A-Rama! episodes
Season One
"Giant vs. Giant Problem""University of Goblin""Hog Rider Rides Again""12 Days of Clashmas""Ballad of the Barbarian""A Knight To Remember""The Barbarians Red Balloon""Goblin's Eleven""Bowlers Anonymous!""Wiz Con!"
Season Two
"A Clashiversary Tale""'Twas The Night Before Clashmas""The Clash Cup!""How The Other Half Clashes""Miner Problem""Go Sparky Go!""The Clashmaker""The Fourth Musketeer""Rocket's Red and Blue Glare""Bringing Up Baby Dragon""Every Hog Has Its Day""Clash-A-Lot The Musical""Clone Alone""Donny and the Spell Factory""Pork-tergeist""Lost in Donation""I'll Be Home For Clashmas""Archer Departure"
Season Three