Clash-A-Rama! Wiki

"When the mortars are flying, it is good to be inside. Here! Serving drinks to warriors... that get to go to battle." Frank

"Hog Rider Rides Again" is the third episode in the first season, making it the third in the series. It aired on December 16, 2016.


All characters are listed by order of appearance in the episode.

Named / defined characters[]

  • Wall Breaker Balloon Trainee
  • Wall Breaker Balloon Instructor
  • Frank
  • Frank's wife
  • Frank's baby
  • Other Town Hall Grill employees
  • Heavy (cameo)
  • Bombie
  • Stewart
  • Therapy Dragon (cameo)
  • Therapy Lava Pup (cameo)

Background characters[]

  • Builders
  • Skeletons
    • Wall Breakers
  • Wizards
  • Villagers
  • Goblins
  • Giants
  • Archers
  • Golems
  • Witch
  • Barbarians
  • Healers


Title Gag[]

After his balloon is accidentally blown up by the Wall Breaker Balloon Trainee's bomb, pieces of the Wall Breaker Balloon Instructor fall past the title. Two arrows then strike the red "A" in the middle of the title.

Balloon Training[]

The episode starts off with a Wall Breaker Balloon Instructor teaching a Wall Breaker Balloon Trainee how to fly a Balloon. An Air Sweeper detects the two Balloons and pushes them back with gusts of air. The Trainee accidentally drops his bomb, and the air gusts cause it to land in the Instructor's Balloon basket, where the bomb explodes. The Instructor and his balloon are blown to pieces, leading to the title gag.

Later, the Instructor and the Trainee are in the skies again, and this time, the Instructor's Balloon is hastily repaired with boards and fabric. A bomb kicked by a Giant suddenly lands in the Instructor's Balloon basket. The Instructor laments about how he was not supposed to work that day before the bomb blows up, and the Instructor and the balloon are blown to pieces again.

At night, the Instructor and the Trainee are back in the air, heading towards a battle. This time, the Instructor's Balloon is again hastily repaired with boards and fabric, and the Instructor himself is covered in bandages. He simply tells the Trainee to head to battle, but his arm falls off, forcing him to call for a Healer.

Frank's Battle Dreams[]


"I think I'm lost."

A Builder is seen dragging his Mortar into the Town Hall Grill. Inside, many patrons are enjoying Elixir drinks and playing the Whack-a-Goblin game. A Giant states that there will be a battle soon, and another Giant hopes there will not be any X-Bows. The first Giant complains that he is negative, unaware that his back is full of arrows (presumably shot by an X-bow). Frank, a Hog Rider, is seen serving Elixir when he overhears the Giants' conversation. He becomes dejected when he realizes that since he is a bartender, he does not go into battle. Frank's wife and baby then arrive, hugging Frank, who feigns enjoyment.

Later, at the Town Hall Grill, a Golem is seen urgently needing to use the restroom. He pounds on the restroom door, smashing it open, revealing Heavy from Boom Beach sitting on the toilet with a map of the aforementioned beach. Frank is then seen delivering food to a Witch, who summons four Skeletons out of the floor. Frank berates the Witch for the summoned Skeletons leaving holes in the floor. A Builder then gets Frank's attention from the back door. Frank then tells a Healer to stop refilling two Barbarians' drinks, but when Frank leaves, the Healer defies him and refills their drinks again. Frank meets the Builder in the back of the restaurant and hands him a hammer. The Builder uses the hammer to knock down a tree and promises that he will fulfill his end of the "deal."

At night, the Builder gives Frank his hog, Stewart, who has a peg leg. Stewart forgives Frank for having a part of him (most likely the leg) eaten. Frank notices a battle about to begin, so he decides to ride Stewart and get ready to fight. However, he is stopped by his wife, baby, and the other employees just as Stewart's peg leg snaps. Frank's wife tells her baby that Frank is still not a Hog Rider, and everyone leaves Frank behind.

A "Giant" New Archer[]

Four Archers are seen sitting and chatting at the beach. A Giant stomps his way towards the Archers and asks them if he can join their conservation. The Archers reject him and he trips over a Gem Box as he walks away. Later, as the Archers are doing target practice, the Giant reappears, trying to shoot an arrow but failing miserably. The Archers notice him and call him out. The Giant explains that he is looking for friends, unlike the other anti-social Giants. The Archers reject the Giant again, who starts to cry. His giant tear extinguishes a Goblin's campfire, and the Goblin curses at him.

The Archers are then seen eating lunch atop a Tower, and they complain how Frank always puts meat in his food and drinks. Suddenly, the tower shakes and collapses when the Giant climbs up it in another futile attempt to gain their friendship. Disheartened, the Giant sits down, where he meets a Wall Breaker looking to become his friend. Unfortunately, the two cannot strike up a conversation, and the Wall Breaker tells the Giant that he should "stay in his own lane." However, the Wall Breaker loses grip of his bomb, which rolls over to the Archers sitting nearby. The Giant uses this as an opportunity to finally befriend them, and he runs over to the Archers and kicks away the bomb. The Archers praise the Giant's selflessness and finally accept him as part of the friend group. A Wizard then tries to become part of the friend group as well, but the Giant (and the four Archers) reject him. The Wizard then trips over a Gem Box as he walks away, scolding himself.

The Wall Breaker and Bombie[]

A Wall Breaker is seen about to leave for the Boneyard Arena to watch a boxing match. His sentient bomb, Bombie, rolls over to him at the door, suggesting that it wants to come as well. The Wall Breaker tells it to stay home, but it secretly follows the Wall Breaker out the door. At the boxing match, the Wall Breaker is seen sitting with his Wall Breaker friends in the stands. The match is between two Golems, who take turns punching each other in the face. One of the Wall Breaker's friends notices Bombie also in the stands, holding a box of popcorn. The Wall Breaker yells at Bombie to go home, and it sadly drops its popcorn for a Goblin to steal it. The Wall Breaker's yelling causes one of the Golems to get distracted, leading to his opponent to punch him into two Golemites. The Golemites angrily stare at the Wall Breaker, and he and his friends quickly exit the Arena.

Later, at the Town Hall Grill, another Wall Breaker tries to flirt with a Witch, but he discovers she has kids (Skeletons) and backs off. The original Wall Breaker is then seen dancing with a Villager, but Bombie interrupts them again. The Wall Breaker calls Bombie "the peeping bomb" and drags the Villager away. Back at the Villager's house, the Wall Breaker and the Villager kiss passionately, but the Villager notices Bombie again staring at them from behind the bushes. The Villager then goes into her house, feeling uncomfortable, leaving the Wall Breaker outside.

Frustrated at Bombie, the Wall Breaker leaves the bomb outside. The Wall Breaker takes down several pictures of him and Bombie, but he becomes emotional when he sees a picture of him holding the bomb. The Wall Breaker then finds Bombie on the front porch, about to jump into a bucket of water (and commit suicide). The Wall Breaker stops Bombie right before it jumps, and accepts him again with a hug. As fate would have it, as soon as the Wall Breaker and Bombie go back inside, Bombie blows up unexpectedly, causing the Wall Breaker to get mad at him again.


Trivia []

  • At 9 minutes and 9 seconds long, this is the shortest episode of the 1st season.
  • Heavy from Boom Beach, another game by Supercell, makes a cameo in this episode.
  • The anti-social Giants are seen playing ping-pong, cards, and crosswords by themselves.
  • The Wall Breaker has several pictures of broken walls in his home, which are perhaps his "accomplishments."
  • The Wall Breaker also has Bomber googles in his home, which suggests that he once was (or is) a Bomber as well.
  • The undercard for the Golem vs. Golem boxing match is "Builder vs. Tree," likely referencing the Builder who knocked down a tree earlier in the episode.
  • The Whack-a-Goblin game reappears in "The Clash Cup!" from Season 2.

Goofs / Errors[]

  • In the target practice scene, one of the four Archers has pink instead of her usually purple hair.


  • The archer asking "Do you guys ever wonder what's on the other side of that water?" is a reference to Clash of Clans's Captain's Log for the Builder Base update.
  • The "Whack-a-Goblin" game is a reference to the Whac-a-Mole arcade game.
  • Bone Sweet Bone is a reference to the phrase "Home, sweet home".
  • Boneyard Arena might be a reference to the Clash Royale arena, Bone Pit.


Main Article: "Hog Rider Rides Again"/Gallery

ved Clash-A-Rama! episodes
Season One
"Giant vs. Giant Problem""University of Goblin""Hog Rider Rides Again""12 Days of Clashmas""Ballad of the Barbarian""A Knight To Remember""The Barbarians Red Balloon""Goblin's Eleven""Bowlers Anonymous!""Wiz Con!"
Season Two
"A Clashiversary Tale""'Twas The Night Before Clashmas""The Clash Cup!""How The Other Half Clashes""Miner Problem""Go Sparky Go!""The Clashmaker""The Fourth Musketeer""Rocket's Red and Blue Glare""Bringing Up Baby Dragon""Every Hog Has Its Day""Clash-A-Lot The Musical""Clone Alone""Donny and the Spell Factory""Pork-tergeist""Lost in Donation""I'll Be Home For Clashmas""Archer Departure"
Season Three