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"Ladies and gentlemen. All I want to know is... are you ready to clash?!" ― Boxing announcer

"Giant vs. Giant Problem" is the the first episode in the first season, making it the first in the series. It aired on December 9, 2016.


All characters are listed by order of appearance in the episode.

Named / defined characters[]

  • Ivan
  • Carl
  • Molly
  • Nurse Villager
  • Doctor
  • Goblin Brawler
  • Do-Right
  • Do-Wrong
  • Narrator
  • Lou
  • Attila (seen in picture)
  • Boomer (seen in picture)
  • Trainer Wall Breaker
  • Boxing announcer
  • The Champ
  • Referee goblin

Background characters[]

  • Barbarians
  • Hog Riders
  • Healers
  • Goblins
  • Dragons
  • P.E.K.K.A.s
  • Minions
  • Builders
  • Archers
  • Skeletons
    • Wall Breakers
  • Villagers
  • Lava Hounds
  • Wizards
  • Hogs
  • Fish
  • Golem

Plot Summary[]


That's gotta hurt.

Title Gag[]

After being punched twice by the Goblin Brawler, the Hog Rider's eyes are swollen shut, with the bruises on his eyelids spelling out the title.

The Rise of the Goblin Brawler[]

The episode starts off in a Town Hall, where a Hog Rider is identifying the Goblin who allegedly stole his Hog. The suspected Goblin then gets forcibly dragged into a jail cell.

During his time in jail, the Goblin becomes muscular and turns into the "Goblin Brawler." He is also vengeful towards the Hog Rider who wrongfully accused him. The Hog Rider eventually comes back to apologize to the Goblin, saying that he simply forgot where he had parked his hog. The Goblin lets him know just how appreciative he is by punching him twice in the face, leading to the title gag. The Hog Rider arrives at the Doctor holding a steak over his face, and sits down in the waiting room with some other injured characters.

Ivan's Ash Throat[]

At the Doctor, Ivan, a young Dragon, is called into the Wizard Doctor's office by the Nurse Villager. The Wizard Doctor examines Ivan's breath, and after Ivan breathes ash on his face twice, he warns that Ivan has a condition called "ash throat." The Doctor orders Ivan to lay off flaming for a week, or he may die early. The Doctor gives Ivan an hourglass to remind him to avoid flaming.

Ivan is then seen at a birthday party, where a Villager asks for something to light a candle on a birthday cake. Everyone at the party turns to Ivan, but since he cannot breathe fire, he becomes ashamed and leaves the party. Later, Ivan is seen surrounded by all sources of flames: a campfire, a torch, and a burnt sandwich (left by Do-Wrong). Ivan realizes that the flames are tempting him and he must get away. He is stopped by his two dragon friends, who invites him to "torch some geese." While Ivan initially accepts, not wanting to look lame, he remembers the Doctor's orders. He changes his mind, and his dragon friends leave without him.

With only one hour left in his flame-free week, Ivan returns to the Doctor, who says that Ivan is looking better. Ivan proudly admits that he might quit flaming for good. However, three enemy Barbarians suddenly appear in the Doctor's office, and the village becomes under attack. The Doctor fearfully tells Ivan to flame the Barbarians, but Ivan is insistent on letting his flame-free week run until the end. As the Doctor pleads for help, Ivan simply suggests that he licks the Barbarians.

Plight of The Archers[]

Carl, a Skeleton, walks out of the Doctor's office for a lunch break. His hat is shot by an arrow, causing him to drop his bomb, which explodes and turns him into a pile of ash. The Archer who shot the arrow is seen doing target practice on top of a tower. She is joined by Molly, another Archer. The first Archer is disappointed when she sees that Molly brought flags, which Molly says might help "judge the wind." Suddenly, a large Minion Horde and a fleet of Balloons start attacking the village. The two Archers start firing their arrows, but the two run out of arrows after defeating the Minions. Molly decides to use her flags as extra ammunition. Using the flags, the Archers defeat the Balloons, and Molly remarks that her Archer friend just smiled.

How to Build a Hidden Tesla[]

The village watches a video about building a Tesla with a good Builder, Do-Right, and a bad Builder, Do-Wrong. While Do-Right is respected for his skill and work ethic, Do-Wrong is scorned for being lazy and clumsy. While Do-Right skillfully builds the Tesla, Do-Wrong ends up getting shot out of a cannon. When Do-Wrong tries to demolish Do-Right's Tesla out of anger, he is electrocuted by a wire, killing him. The video ends with a still saying "Dedicated to Do-Wrong: He Lived Wrong. He Died Wrong."

Lou's Road to Boxing Glory[]

The Trainer Wall Breaker is seen sleeping in his house, surrounded by boxing-related trophies, pictures, and news articles. Lou, a Giant, knocks on his door, waking him up. While the Trainer Wall Breaker tries to shoo him away, Lou explains that he wants to become a boxer and fight the "Champ." He explains that, after suffering a humiliating loss where he attacked a Wall instead of a Town Hall, he lost the respect of his village members. The Trainer Wall Breaker agrees to train Lou, and a training montage begins. Lou eventually makes it to the boxing ring, where he faces the "Champ," which turns out to be a gold Level 10 cannon. While the Champ shoots Lou several times, demoralizing him, Lou manages to shockingly defeat it. As Lou becomes crowned the champion, he goes back to punching walls, as the Trainer Wall Breaker cheers him on. Lou is then seen at the Doctor's office, with bandages and ice packs all over his body.



  • Goblins appear to be 2.5 units tall, though the units are not defined.
  • This is the first appearance of the Wizard Doctor since "Wall Breaker Check-Up", making it his first of few appearances in the series.
  • The Doctor has a diploma from "Village Memorial Medical Institute."
  • The Doctor mentions that a typical Dragon has a lifespan of 800 years.
  • It is unknown how the Goblin Brawler got the picture of the Hog Rider if he was immediately arrested.
  • There are 32 Minions in the massive Minion Horde.
  • The imprisoned Goblin references the Goblin Cage, a card in Clash Royale. Since this episode was released over two years before the card's release, most of the Goblin Brawler's design is based on his design in this episode.

Goofs / Errors[]

  • Even though this episode aired after "University of Goblin", it was still episode one.
  • The Wizard doctor is seen with eyebrows until 1:24-1:25, where the eyebrows are not present. But when he is seen next, his eyebrows are present once again.


  • The cover on the magazine a Barbarian is holding, Village People, is a reference to a band of the same name as well as the People magazine.
  • Lou's training montage references the Rocky film series.



Main Article: "Giant vs. Giant Problem"/Gallery

ved Clash-A-Rama! episodes
Season One
"Giant vs. Giant Problem""University of Goblin""Hog Rider Rides Again""12 Days of Clashmas""Ballad of the Barbarian""A Knight To Remember""The Barbarians Red Balloon""Goblin's Eleven""Bowlers Anonymous!""Wiz Con!"
Season Two
"A Clashiversary Tale""'Twas The Night Before Clashmas""The Clash Cup!""How The Other Half Clashes""Miner Problem""Go Sparky Go!""The Clashmaker""The Fourth Musketeer""Rocket's Red and Blue Glare""Bringing Up Baby Dragon""Every Hog Has Its Day""Clash-A-Lot The Musical""Clone Alone""Donny and the Spell Factory""Pork-tergeist""Lost in Donation""I'll Be Home For Clashmas""Archer Departure"
Season Three