Clash-A-Rama! Wiki

"Ugh, when is the tour gonna start?" ― Wizard

"Donny and the Spell Factory" is the fifteenth/sixteenth episode in the second season, making it the twenty-fifth/twenty-sixth episode in the series. It aired on November 9, 2018.


A Builder’s son dreams of becoming a Wizard, but gets more than he can handle when he cons his way into a Spell Factory job.


To be added!


Trivia []

Goofs / Errors[]

  • The roulette wheel in the intro does not travel in the direction it was spun by Lou when it breaks off.
  • Bandits are seen in the meeting which is held in the town hall.
    • In the same scene, these Bandits turn into Archers for a second, only to turn back into a Bandit thereafter.
  • An Electro Wizard is seen in the Spell Factory, meaning it may be coming to Clash of Clans if he is not from Clash Royale.
  • The scene where Donny delivers a Healing Spell to a Princess has him throw a single-spell space vial; Healing Spells produced by Spell Factories in Clash of Clans are double housing space.


  • The episode title could be a reference to the film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
  • The villager talking to the blob of elixir is a reference to a scene in Ghostbusters 2.
  • A Wiz-Con! poster is seen by Donny's bed on the wall, referencing "Wiz Con!". The meaning of this is open to interpretation; it could either mean that Donny went to Wiz Con, or only there just because he likes wizards.


To be added!


Main Article: "Donny and the Spell Factory"/Gallery

ved Clash-A-Rama! episodes
Season One
"Giant vs. Giant Problem""University of Goblin""Hog Rider Rides Again""12 Days of Clashmas""Ballad of the Barbarian""A Knight To Remember""The Barbarians Red Balloon""Goblin's Eleven""Bowlers Anonymous!""Wiz Con!"
Season Two
"A Clashiversary Tale""'Twas The Night Before Clashmas""The Clash Cup!""How The Other Half Clashes""Miner Problem""Go Sparky Go!""The Clashmaker""The Fourth Musketeer""Rocket's Red and Blue Glare""Bringing Up Baby Dragon""Every Hog Has Its Day""Clash-A-Lot The Musical""Clone Alone""Donny and the Spell Factory""Pork-tergeist""Lost in Donation""I'll Be Home For Clashmas""Archer Departure"
Season Three